Thursday, February 27, 2020

Importance Tips While Starting Potty Training

How will you know your toddler is ready for potty trained?

·        You’re changing fewer diapers.
·        Bowel movements become more regular.
·        Your little one is more vocal about going to the bathroom.
·        Your child notices (and doesn't like) dirty diapers.

Tips on preparing your toddler for potty training

·        Play up the pottying positives.
·        Establish standard bathroom talk.
·        Comment grown-up behavior in general.
·        Dress for potty training success.
·        Show your toddler how to use the potty.
·        Bridge the gap between diapers and the potty.
·        Pick the right potty.

Tips on starting potty training with your toddler

·        Switch to pull-ups.
·        Let her bare her bottom.
·        Watch closely.
·        Teach him to check for dryness.
·        Keep her motivated.
·        Be patient.
·        Cut the nagging.
·        Don't deny drinks.
·        Avoid a bathroom battle.

Worst Mistakes Parents Do While Training Toddler For Potty  

·        Starting too early
·        Pushing potty training for number 2, before age 2
·        Not using positive potty talk
·        Doing “night training”
·        Relying too much on rewards
·        Confusing your training with your toddler’s
Thanks! For more info related to potty chairs, click here.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

What You Absolutely Need to Know About Formula Feeding

·        Talk to your doctor about which option is best for your child.
·        Be a clean freak.
·        Mix it up carefully.
·        Know how to properly store prepared formula.
·        Consider how – and whether – to heat bottles.
·        Feed appropriate amounts.


·        Concentrated Liquid Formula
·        Powdered Formula
·        Concentrated Liquid Formula
·        Liquid Formula


·        Cow's-milk-based formula

·        Partially and extensively hydrolyzed formulas

·        Soy-based formula

·        Lactose-free formula

·        Human milk fortifier

·        Metabolic formula

·        Organic formula

·        Other specialty formulas

Thanks!  For more info, click here.